SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM SOF AT&L, will host a training session for USSOCOM personnel on Other Transactional Agreements (OTA) and Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIA). Topics include Other Transaction Authority (OTA), Middle Tier Authority (MTA) and Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIA). Led by Strategic Institute, the goal is to educate Government Acquirers on how to utilize non-FAR contracting mechanisms as well as commercial Business to Business (B2B)/Research and Development (R&D) agreements. Seating will be limited, priority is PMs/APMs, KOs, legal.
Event Tentative Agenda
All times listed are in ET
25 February
0900-1015: Introductions and the missions of Other Transactions
1015-1030: BREAK
1045-1200: Applicability & Pathways
1200-1300: LUNCH
1300-1315: Q&A
1315-1345: Essential Ingredient: Importance of the OT Team
1345-1445: How do you do an OT?
1445-1500: BREAK
1500-1545: Power of the PIA
1545-End: Recap and Wrap up
Note: Agenda is subject to change
This event will be held in person at SOFWERX.
For event-related questions, please contact Kristen Foraker