Next Generation Effects (NGE) Foundry 24-1 Event

Collaboration Event (CE)

13-15 February 2024

Host Name: Gabby Robles

Location: SOFWERX

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Submissions Closed 12 January 2024 11:59 PM ET

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM Science and Technology Directorate’s Next Generation Effects Capability Focus Area (NGECFA) and the DoD Joint Intermediate Force Capability Office (JIFCO) will host an event in Tampa, FL, which intends to bring together Industry, Academia, Government, and futurists in an exploration, design thinking, facilitated event to assist USSOCOM and JIFCO in developing future technology concepts for Special Operations Forces Scalable Effects Weapons (SOFSEW) which includes Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW).

The theme of the Next Generation Effects (NGE) Foundry 24-1 Event is Scalable Effects Weapons technologies, to include NLW, used for integrated deterrence in conjunction with the Department of Defense Pacing Challenge.

Integrated deterrence employed for the current pacing challenge presents multiple technology challenges. These technologies need to be identified, evaluated, and developed for employment by SOF. The SOF SEW and NLW technologies must be disruptive in nature and matured for use in the 2030 to 2035 timeframe.

To identify, explore, and potentially develop technology concepts which can be implemented by SOF in the event scenario. 

Why You Should Participate
USSOCOM seeks to enter into non-FAR or FAR-based agreements with Industry, Academic, and National Lab partners whose solutions are favorably evaluated by USSOCOM SOF AT&L S&T Directorate and DoD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). This serves dually as notification of the intent to research the feasibility of an agreement under 10 U.S. Code, Section 4022 and/or Section 4022(f), and as notice of pre-solicitation activities IAW FAR 5.204.

Problem Statement
Technologies to implement Integrated Deterrence (see Note 1.) within the current DoD pacing challenge (see Note 2), seeks to create effects which will dissuade, deter, degrade, and/or destroy critical adversarial capabilities in maritime and littoral environments. The focus is on kinetic and non-kinetic intermediate force capabilities (see Note 3.) targeting military, military-industrial, Lines of Communication (LOC), facilities, infrastructure, resources, and systems that challenge U.S and Coalition Partner security. This foundry will develop the operational and technology concepts for delivering those effects during competition and conflict. 
If you are an expert in any of the following areas of interest or in related fields, please consider participating in the event: 

Note 1: Integrated Deterrence - Integrated deterrence entails developing and combining our strengths to maximum effect, by working seamlessly across warfighting domains, theaters, the spectrum of conflict, other instruments of U.S. national power, and our unmatched network of Alliances and partnerships.

Note 2: DoD Pacing Challenge - The Department (DoD) will act urgently to sustain and strengthen deterrence, with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as our most consequential strategic competitor and the pacing challenge for the Department. 

Note 3: Intermediate Force Capabilities - Active means below lethal intent that temporarily impair, disrupt, delay, or neutralize targets across all domains and all phases of competition and conflict.

• Scalable Non-Kinetic Effect Weapons
• Kinetic Effect Alternatives
• Directed Energy, Electronic and Cyber Attack
• Over the Horizon (OTH) Engagement
• Undetectable PID (Personnel Identification)
• Personnel Incapacitation
• Vehicle & Vessel Disablement
• Counter Air-to-Air and Ground-to-Air
 • Autonomous System Defeat and Exploitation

What you do at the NGE Foundry 24-1 Event:

  • Describe what might be the characteristics of the SOF SEW, NLW, technologies in the 2030 and beyond per the pacing challenge.
  • Describe what might be the challenges that will be faced regarding the pacing challenge in 2030 and beyond.
  • Describe what concepts might lead to solutions that address these challenges.
  • Describe what planning might be done starting now to address these challenges.
  • Describe what technology development should or might be initiated now to ensure that DOD has the right technology solutions.

Event Timeline
Completed Phase 1 – 06 December 2023 to 12 January 2024 Submissions Open:  Futurists and visionaries from industry, academia, government and national labs who are experts in the areas of interest listed above are encouraged to participate in the SOFSEW Technologies for Integrated Deterrence Event by submitting a CV *(Curriculum Vitae) below NLT 12 January 2024.

*Please note: each individual must submit their own CV for possible SME selection for the event.

Completed Phase 2 – 12 January 2024 to 19 January 2024 SME Review: The SOCOM DoD Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program Team, in coordination with SOCOM’s S&T Next Generation Effects Team, will review SME submissions and notify SOFWERX of invited participants. SOFWERX will notify participants of their attendance status o/a 22 January.   

Completed Phase 3 – 13 February 2024 to 15 February 2024 Next Generation Effects (NGE) Foundry 24-1 Event: During the event, selected participants will collaborate and ideate with fellow subject matter experts on the concept areas above. Selectees should plan for workdays from 0800-1700 ET.

This event will be held in person at SOFWERX in Tampa, FL.

Phase 4 -  Path Forward: Successfully negotiated awards may fall under any combination of these categories:

NOTE: Awardees may need to be compliant with NIST SP 800-171, Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in Non-Federal Systems and Organizations


For event-related questions, please contact Gabby Robles

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